Thursday, April 2, 2009

Full... and all over the place

Being more Christ like... in this world..

The question is... where are the Christians? Why are we not transparent or out casts in the world. Would we make it in some of the remote destinations of the world, where Christians are being persecuted, raped, and kill for confessing Christ.

I love chatting with people about what they believe. But it drive me nuts when we have to discuss which denomination is better, who's theology is correct, and even how to baptize believers. Whats really funny about all of this is that while we're debating these issues, so many people are heading to hell.

Why is it that we attack our fellow brother and sister in Christ about what they have. We can't congratulate them, or be happy for them. What makes you think we have the right to choose who to forgive, or to help, to save. Why don't weep about all the souls that are going to be lost? Why do we not hate things of the world?

"How can the world hate the master and love the servant." I love that quote so much because it hits home for me. "If your really a Christian, why would you expect the world to understand you." Their is a purpose for my life and the gift of leadership that flows.

Our church really challenges us on some many principles to live by. DWO is more than just walls but a place of unity and love. What we are built on is below;

1. Driven by the purposes of Christ:

* To seek and save that which is lost. Luke 19:10
* To destroy the works of the devil. 1 John. 3:8
* To live and teach others to live an abundant life. John 10:10

2. Development of the person

3. Destiny Development

4. Development of the Family

5. Diversity of People (A church for all colors)

6. A Dynamic Church (Contemporary and Accelerating)

7. A Church/People of Divine Power

I thank God for our Pastor who is directed and moves under the direction of our Maker. I have been places where... I ran with group that don't... Thank God for placing us in a awesome place to live, grow, and learn.


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