Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Part of that world ~C-Dawg Remix

Inspired by Charlotte doing sign along time.

Part of that World, Lil Charmaid

Look at this stuff
Isn't it neat?
I've got cool ducks that attach my car seat!
Wouldn't you think I'm a babe
The baby who has everything?
Look at these balloons
They're better than gold
How much white substance can one cavern hold?
Walking around here you think
Sure, life is nice
I've got bears, dogs, and ducks a-plenty
I've got books with scary things that jump out
You want soiled diapers?
I've had twenty today!
I think their mad?
No big deal
I Can't help it...

I wanna eat what the big people eat
I wanna toast, toast with butter
Eating on those - what do you call 'em?
Oh - plates!

Talking in my new language, I don't get too far
Screaming is required to get people moving
Straped down in- what's those words again?
a regulated car seat

Can't wait till I walk, that day will be fun
I will get the car, to the beach in the sun
Wanderin' free - wish I could be
Part of that world

What would I give, if I could sleep, outside these bars?
What would I say, if mom could understand, just for a second.
Bet'cha outside they understand
That you don't plug your kids with foreign objects
Lets get it right.. fight for our right
I need to be changed!

And ready to know what my daddy knows
Ask 'em my questions and get some answers
What's a spanking and why does it - what's the word?

When's it my turn?
21 is to slow, out of my diapers and on the go?
Keep praying for me
Wish'in I could be
Part of that world

Friday, April 24, 2009


This week has been so physically tiring and just a mental strain for me. I guess I'm not on my knees enough or we aren't. I'm glad to have my sister in-law back in town and happy God's favor has allow her to get a job! Just seems like with the good come the bad also. I have a funny feeling that this issue will cause quite a stir within the GR area. I just know that on the other side of confusion comes the blessing. Just fighting the confusion is the problem.

I love confusion because it bring other problems to the forefront. We see our weakness and it give us a chance to humble ourselves and learn.

I feel because of my hurt feeling I have drawn further away from the family and while haven't sinned, I feel like the lack of trying is a big iniquity. I really don't have a problem confronting anyone however, I think some people lack understand. I don't feel the exchanges are even but in the same instance I don't care. I am tired of the back biting and other not dealing with issues from the past. I really just rather avoid.... then to hang out or do anything with people. My strength to deal has become my weakness to just be passive.

Not sure why I am sharing now....

Friday, April 17, 2009

Simply luv

This post is simple... what does love mean to you?

From: D
To: Leah

Would I do it all over again.. ABSOLUTELY YES!!

Love is being stupid together....

What does it mean to you???


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Worshiping in and out...

Worship. It was something that I had heard today that made me think of a few things. It made me think of things that I have replaced God with in my life, even the little things.

'Worship is what got you "there", and worship will get you out...'

So, what is your "there". So many times we think of the "there" being bigger than other "there"s, but that is wrong. The idol/sin that people may think of is sexual sin, lying, stealing, etc. On the other side of things, that is no less/more than being unkind, striving for money/success, being manipulative, having ulterior motives, pride, stubbornness, unsubmissiveness, laziness, etc.

So, what is your "there"? Everyone has a hidden/or not hidden thing that they have worshiped instead of God. You just have to be honest with yourself and realize what has brought you to that point of worshiping the wrong thing(s). What have you done to eliminate that "there"?

Another thing that I learned today is that many times people become aware of how to avoid the foot hold of the sin that they become mixed in. But, one thing to think about is that you need to learn to avoid and pray against the temptation that you may experience. The temptation comes before the sin. Would that eliminate your "there"? Just something to think about as I was challenged by the words that went forth today.


Friday, April 10, 2009

It's Friday.. but Sunday is coming!!!

Tonight was the first time Charlotte got to experience DWO in all its wonder, lol. I am so glad to be back in Detroit and visiting with family, friends, and fellowship with our church. Stepped into the building, heard the worship, fell to my knees, and almost cried because the presence of the lord was so strong.

As we expected, Pastor really brought a powerful word on a subject that reflect why Jesus died in the first place. He talked to us about using our testimony and bring more people to Christ. Just being bold in love and expressing to people who are lost that God is the only way. "Procrastination for us, could be eternity for someone else, whom God had position us to talk to." That person may not get another day... the price has already been paid for us, so why should we parish?

I love you Lord.. can't wait until Resurrection Sunday!!


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A huge change in 1ne month

For all the hollering, crying, and up all nights... we are really blessed. So strong, stubborn, and yet so young! Can hold her head up after one week, and is even smiling right now. Can focus on faces, and has gained more than 1 to 2 pounds already. The Doc thinks she is moving fast for her age.. and Leah and I just think God is amazing. This blessing is called Charlotte Ayleah.. and I am just so happy she is here right now.


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Full... and all over the place

Being more Christ like... in this world..

The question is... where are the Christians? Why are we not transparent or out casts in the world. Would we make it in some of the remote destinations of the world, where Christians are being persecuted, raped, and kill for confessing Christ.

I love chatting with people about what they believe. But it drive me nuts when we have to discuss which denomination is better, who's theology is correct, and even how to baptize believers. Whats really funny about all of this is that while we're debating these issues, so many people are heading to hell.

Why is it that we attack our fellow brother and sister in Christ about what they have. We can't congratulate them, or be happy for them. What makes you think we have the right to choose who to forgive, or to help, to save. Why don't weep about all the souls that are going to be lost? Why do we not hate things of the world?

"How can the world hate the master and love the servant." I love that quote so much because it hits home for me. "If your really a Christian, why would you expect the world to understand you." Their is a purpose for my life and the gift of leadership that flows.

Our church really challenges us on some many principles to live by. DWO is more than just walls but a place of unity and love. What we are built on is below;

1. Driven by the purposes of Christ:

* To seek and save that which is lost. Luke 19:10
* To destroy the works of the devil. 1 John. 3:8
* To live and teach others to live an abundant life. John 10:10

2. Development of the person

3. Destiny Development

4. Development of the Family

5. Diversity of People (A church for all colors)

6. A Dynamic Church (Contemporary and Accelerating)

7. A Church/People of Divine Power

I thank God for our Pastor who is directed and moves under the direction of our Maker. I have been places where... I ran with group that don't... Thank God for placing us in a awesome place to live, grow, and learn.