Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Part of that world ~C-Dawg Remix

Inspired by Charlotte doing sign along time.

Part of that World, Lil Charmaid

Look at this stuff
Isn't it neat?
I've got cool ducks that attach my car seat!
Wouldn't you think I'm a babe
The baby who has everything?
Look at these balloons
They're better than gold
How much white substance can one cavern hold?
Walking around here you think
Sure, life is nice
I've got bears, dogs, and ducks a-plenty
I've got books with scary things that jump out
You want soiled diapers?
I've had twenty today!
I think their mad?
No big deal
I Can't help it...

I wanna eat what the big people eat
I wanna toast, toast with butter
Eating on those - what do you call 'em?
Oh - plates!

Talking in my new language, I don't get too far
Screaming is required to get people moving
Straped down in- what's those words again?
a regulated car seat

Can't wait till I walk, that day will be fun
I will get the car, to the beach in the sun
Wanderin' free - wish I could be
Part of that world

What would I give, if I could sleep, outside these bars?
What would I say, if mom could understand, just for a second.
Bet'cha outside they understand
That you don't plug your kids with foreign objects
Lets get it right.. fight for our right
I need to be changed!

And ready to know what my daddy knows
Ask 'em my questions and get some answers
What's a spanking and why does it - what's the word?

When's it my turn?
21 is to slow, out of my diapers and on the go?
Keep praying for me
Wish'in I could be
Part of that world