Monday, September 14, 2009

Some insight from the little C

Here are some 'tidbits' from the life of a six month old:

you can always smile, even when you are sitting in some poop
nothing is ever too far out reach
if I keep rolling, I will eventually get there
I can always brighten someone's day if I smile first
separation is temporary
falling possibly cannot hurt, but if I do fall, I can still smile
noise gets a reaction and so will silence
too much sleep can be a bad thing
tv is boring when you have something to chew on
church is meant for everyone 
I always remember who puts me to bed, feeds me and wakes me up every morning
being flat on your back is not fun when you know how to sit straight up
moving forward works better if I fall forwards and not backwards
jumping higher and faster won't hurt you, but the person who's holding you back
finding time to read can be hard, but its necessary to learn the word(s)
you don't need many things to play with to have fun
prunes aren't for wimps!!


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