Friday, February 6, 2009

Friends or Foe

I heard one of the greatest quote about family and those close to you, a few days ago. Listening to WCSG, the host asked, "Why would you try to score against a teammate". I thought about it and then realized that to may times we fight against those we love (or suppose to). For the life of me, I can't understand why if we bump, knock, speak ill, or do something to those we don't know, but quickly rectify the issue... then hold any kind of wrong doing our family has done for years. His question is why won't we help our family score... why won't we lend a hand, and make sure everything is okay? We need to be happy about what God is doing for families and our families. Stop doing things with hidden agendas behind them and just enjoy one another. I continue to make sure, I(we) blessed any and everyone we can, with everything God has given to us. I have to look past hurt and ill feelings because I still want grace and forgiveness in my life. Remeber God will not forgive you if you can't extend forgiviness to someone else. I'm taking a very good look at myself.


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